Saturday, 8 March 2014

Saturday's creation(ing)

So, Thursday night, browsing ye old Facebook, Rohn Strong (US crochet designer) was asking for people to help him out.  Having finished my blanket, completed a doily and Sarah's hard drive case, I thought why not. 
So Friday morning I received an email with top secret instructions of three clues.  I'm almost finished clue 2 now.  Haven't got a clue if what I'm doing is ok., but hey ho... Has kept me out of mischief I guess.  We can't show the completed project until March 18th, but I can keep you in suspense can't i?! Lol... Call me mean.
So with my back giving me problems again, I've been layed up - crocheting lasting down isn't much fun (read pins & needles!) But I've succeeded in short spurts.


More YouTube watching.

Julie Fei Fan Balzar is renowned in the stencilling world for some beautiful designs, most I know of are endorsed through Crafters Workshop.  I love her whimsical designs, versatility and patterns that they create.
I also love how she doesn't just use her stencils, templates or masks solely for mixed media like other artists, but encourages others to use their newly created backgrounds to be used with cards and scrapbook pages alike. A GIRL AFTER MY OWN HEART! Those who have taken my classes know that this is a huge passion of mine! 
Anyway, to my delight, I found out that Julie does live broadcasts demonstrating her techniques... I got totally lost watching a few, but had to stop as my head was starting to explode with envisaging how I could use the stencils that I own.. needless to say the creative juices began to flow!

Here's the link to Balzer Designs blog entry that I watched.  The video link is at the bottom of the entry..

New start.. again!

Why give something up for lent?
They say that it takes 40 days to break a habit... So, me being me, I'm going to flip this saying and start my new habit.
I've been off the radar for a long time, both crafty & life in general.  Don't ask why, it's just how I cope.
I don't care if this is not going to be huge, but rather a virtual diary for myself.  My day to day craftiness, creativity & general chatting.

Since being bed bound for far too long, I've developed a fascination with YouTube... Just love it! I want to log what I have been watching, learning and what had inspired me each day.
I'm hoping that documenting my daily 'doings' will also act as a memory board for me and inspire me to make something dare I say... Each day?! Well if not irl, in my mind.... Lol!

So, without further ado, what I perused this a.m.

Using stencils